
In this part you can find the rates for international and trunk communication

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For example: 13479837878

Tariffs list

Tariffs comparison table

For all services plans cost of SMS - from $ 0.02/SMS. More...

Select the first letter of the country:

All rates include VAT.
Country code Direction Start
256 Uganda from 0.4301 from 0.5229
256 Uganda (mobile) from 0.4185 from 0.5089
380 Ukraine from 0.0985 from 0.1198
380 Ukraine (mobile) from 0.0990 from 0.1204
971 United Arab Emirates from 0.2116 from 0.2573
971 United Arab Emirates (mobile) from 0.2116 from 0.2573
44 United Kingdom from 0.0076 from 0.0092
44 United Kingdom (mobile) from 0.0076 from 0.0092
598 Uruguay 0.0880 0.1070
598 Uruguay (mobile) from 0.1368 from 0.1663
1 USA from 0.0063 from 0.0076
1 USA (mobile) from 0.0063 from 0.0076
1340 US Virgin Islands 0.0290 0.0352
1340 US Virgin Islands (mobile) 0.0290 0.0352
998 Uzbekistan from 0.0669 from 0.0814
998 Uzbekistan (mobile) from 0.0452 from 0.0550

Cost of letters in envelope - from $ 0.8620. More...

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