
In this part you can find the rates for international and trunk communication

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For example: 13479837878

Tariffs list

Tariffs comparison table

For all services plans cost of SMS - from $ 0.02/SMS. More...

Select the first letter of the country:

All rates include VAT.
Country code Direction Start
855 Cambodia from 0.0417 from 0.0507
855 Cambodia (mobile) from 0.0665 from 0.0808
237 Cameroon from 0.2437 from 0.2963
237 Cameroon (mobile) from 0.2437 from 0.2963
1 Canada from 0.0063 from 0.0076
1 Canada (mobile) from 0.0063 from 0.0076
238 Cape Verde Isl. from 0.2394 from 0.2910
238 Cape Verde Isl. (mobile) from 0.2394 from 0.2910
1345 Cayman Islands from 0.1524 from 0.1853
1345 Cayman Islands (mobile) from 0.1524 from 0.1853
236 Central African Rep 1.4601 1.7755
236 Central African Rep (mobile) from 0.7804 from 0.9490
235 Chad 1.2108 1.4724
235 Chad (mobile) from 0.4684 from 0.5696
56 Chile from 0.0179 from 0.0217
56 Chile (mobile) from 0.0118 from 0.0143
86 China from 0.0089 from 0.0108
86 China (mobile) from 0.0210 from 0.0255
57 Colombia 0.0154 0.0187
57 Colombia (mobile) from 0.0050 from 0.0061
269 Comoros from 0.7474 from 0.9088
269 Comoros (mobile) from 0.7474 from 0.9088
242 Congo from 0.3729 from 0.4535
242 Congo (mobile) from 0.3729 from 0.4535
682 Cook Islands 1.6165 1.9656
682 Cook Islands (mobile) 1.6165 1.9656
506 Costa Rica from 0.0285 from 0.0347
506 Costa Rica (mobile) 0.0766 0.0932
225 Cote d'Ivoire from 0.1479 from 0.1798
225 Cote d'Ivoire (mobile) from 0.3816 from 0.4640
385 Croatia from 0.0128 from 0.0155
385 Croatia (mobile) from 0.3881 from 0.4720
53 Cuba 1.0702 1.3013
53 Cuba (mobile) 1.0702 1.3013
357 Cyprus from 0.0348 from 0.0423
357 Cyprus (mobile) from 0.1804 from 0.2194
420 Czech Republic from 0.0873 from 0.1062
420 Czech Republic (mobile) from 0.0873 from 0.1062

Cost of letters in envelope - from $ 0.8620. More...

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