
In this part you can find the rates for international and trunk communication

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Tariffs list

Tariffs comparison table

For all services plans cost of SMS - from $ 0.02/SMS. More...

Select the first letter of the country:

All rates include VAT.
Country code Direction Start
264 Namibia from 0.1060 from 0.1289
264 Namibia (mobile) from 0.0629 from 0.0765
674 Nauru 2.7541 3.3489
674 Nauru (mobile) 2.7541 3.3489
977 Nepal from 0.1246 from 0.1515
977 Nepal (mobile) from 0.2057 from 0.2501
31 Netherlands from 0.2833 from 0.3445
599 Netherlands Antilles from 0.2757 from 0.3352
599 Netherlands Antilles (mobile) from 0.2757 from 0.3352
31 Netherlands (mobile) from 0.2833 from 0.3445
687 New Caledonia 0.5520 0.6713
687 New Caledonia (mobile) 0.5520 0.6713
64 New Zealand from 0.0357 from 0.0434
64 New Zealand (mobile) 0.0722 0.0877
505 Nicaragua from 0.2034 from 0.2473
505 Nicaragua (mobile) 0.4796 0.5831
234 Nigeria from 0.1189 from 0.1446
234 Nigeria (mobile) from 0.1603 from 0.1949
227 Niger Republic from 0.2816 from 0.3425
227 Niger Republic (mobile) from 0.5152 from 0.6265
683 Niue Island 2.2703 2.7607
683 Niue Island (mobile) 2.2703 2.7607
672 Norfolk Island from 2.7379 from 3.3292
672 Norfolk Island (mobile) from 2.7379 from 3.3292
47 Norway from 0.0072 from 0.0087
47 Norway (mobile) from 0.0128 from 0.0155
1670 Nothern Mariana Islands (CNMI) 0.0606 0.0737
1670 Nothern Mariana Islands (CNMI) (mobile) 0.0606 0.0737

Cost of letters in envelope - from $ 0.8620. More...

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