
In this part you can find the rates for international and trunk communication

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Tariffs list

Tariffs comparison table

For all services plans cost of SMS - from $ 0.02/SMS. More...

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All rates include VAT.
Country code Direction Start
886 Taiwan from 0.0249 from 0.0303
886 Taiwan (mobile) from 0.1233 from 0.1499
992 Tajikistan from 0.1405 from 0.1708
992 Tajikistan (mobile) from 0.1949 from 0.2369
255 Tanzania from 0.2442 from 0.2969
255 Tanzania (mobile) from 0.2422 from 0.2946
66 Thailand from 0.0341 from 0.0414
66 Thailand (mobile) from 0.0341 from 0.0414
670 Timor-Leste from 0.9750 from 1.1856
670 Timor-Leste (mobile) from 0.9750 from 1.1856
228 Togo from 0.1820 from 0.2213
228 Togo (mobile) from 0.3649 from 0.4437
690 Tokelau from 2.6573 from 3.2313
690 Tokelau (mobile) from 2.6573 from 3.2313
676 Tonga Isl. from 1.3835 from 1.6823
676 Tonga Isl. (mobile) from 1.3835 from 1.6823
1868 Trinidad and Tobago from 0.1370 from 0.1665
1868 Trinidad and Tobago (mobile) from 0.1370 from 0.1665
216 Tunisia from 0.9818 from 1.1939
216 Tunisia (mobile) from 0.9741 from 1.1845
90 Turkey from 0.0280 from 0.0341
90 Turkey (mobile) from 0.0464 from 0.0565
993 Turkmenistan from 0.1856 from 0.2257
993 Turkmenistan (mobile) from 0.2474 from 0.3009
1649 Turks and Caicos Islands from 0.3409 from 0.4145
1649 Turks and Caicos Islands (mobile) from 0.3409 from 0.4145
688 Tuvalu from 1.6041 from 1.9505
688 Tuvalu (mobile) from 1.6041 from 1.9505

Cost of letters in envelope - from $ 0.8620. More...

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