
In this part you can find the rates for international and trunk communication

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Tariffs list

Tariffs comparison table

For all services plans cost of SMS - from $ 0.02/SMS. More...

Select the first letter of the country:

All rates include VAT.
Country code Direction Start
92 Pakistan from 0.0774 from 0.0941
92 Pakistan (mobile) from 0.0328 from 0.0399
680 Palau from 0.7731 from 0.9401
680 Palau (mobile) from 0.7731 from 0.9401
970 Palestine from 0.3201 from 0.3892
970 Palestine (mobile) from 0.3201 from 0.3892
507 Panama from 1.0307 from 1.2533
507 Panama (mobile) from 0.1634 from 0.1987
675 Papua New Guinea from 1.3252 from 1.6114
675 Papua New Guinea (mobile) from 1.3252 from 1.6114
595 Paraguay from 0.0348 from 0.0424
595 Paraguay (mobile) from 0.0634 from 0.0771
51 Peru from 0.0048 from 0.0059
51 Peru (mobile) from 0.0048 0.0059
63 Philippines from 0.1160 from 0.1411
63 Philippines (mobile) from 0.1160 from 0.1411
48 Poland from 0.0102 from 0.0124
48 Poland (mobile) from 0.0323 from 0.0393
351 Portugal from 0.0509 from 0.0619
351 Portugal (mobile) from 0.0509 from 0.0619
1787 Puerto-Rico 0.0138 0.0168
1787 Puerto-Rico (mobile) 0.0138 0.0168

Cost of letters in envelope - from $ 0.8620. More...

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