
In this part you can find the rates for international and trunk communication

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For example: 13479837878

Tariffs list

Tariffs comparison table

For all services plans cost of SMS - from $ 0.02/SMS. More...

Select the first letter of the country:

All rates include VAT.
Country code Direction Start
262 Reunion Island from 0.7536 from 0.9164
262 Reunion Island (mobile) from 0.2474 from 0.3008
40 Romania from 0.0044 from 0.0053
40 Romania (mobile) from 0.0116 from 0.0141
7 Russia from 0.0066 from 0.0080
7 Russia (mobile) from 0.0179 from 0.0218
250 Rwanda from 0.2621 from 0.3187
250 Rwanda (mobile) from 0.3989 from 0.4851

Cost of letters in envelope - from $ 0.8620. More...

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