To service


Callback (Call Back) allows calling any numbers all over the world at low rate by using connection of two numbers. During call order Comtube calls your number and then number you need to connect. The connection occurs after answer of subscriber. In this case there are allocated connection channels there so the quality does not depend on your internet.

The reasons you need it?

  • considerable saving on calls all over the world, tariffs;
  • for communication without microphone and earphones;
  • connection of two numbers;
  • for call planning at convenient time;
  • in order not to load an additional software to computer (in internet cafe, on a visit and etc.).

How to use?

You may start to use Callback just now. You need to make quick registration and refill balance by any convenient way on page «Pay».

There are 3 ways to call through the service Callback:

  1. Via website:

    Enter number for connection in margin «My number» on page «Main page – Callback», and number you want to call – in margin «Subscriber number». Then you may order connection at once or schedule call at the set date and time. At necessary time the system calls on your number and then on number you need to connect;

  2. Via Text message - CallBack:

    Authorize your mobile number on page «My profile – My contacts» (it is required only one time): enter number and tick a box «Allow authorization». In order to make call you should send text message to number: +7 (926) 950-08-19, +7 (919) 411-35-85, +7 (903) 182-54-58 with text *1*79261234567 – where 79261234567 is a number you want to call. Expect incoming call.

  3. Via mobile application IP-Callback (for Android and iPhone).

What you get in result?

  • quality connection in any place of the world;
  • connection with any number all over the world.

Advanced abilities

  • DTMF call control during talk;
  • fax reception during talk;
  • call forwarding;
  • turn on/off conversation recording during talk;
  • conference up to 3 participants;
  • make new call without cutting off of incoming connection;
  • control via text message’s code;
  • callback order via text message;
  • last number redial via text message;
  • call planning at the set date and time;
  • review of statistical reports;
  • integration of service under your aims through API in order to make callback.

Additional requests on service’s implementation you should send to this e-mail:


There are two calls in the service Callback: the first is your number and the second one is number you want to call. Therefore payment should be made for each connection separately so you should pay for 2 calls. The first call is rated from the moment of manual answering by you and the second one – at the moment of manual answering by called party. The price of connection per minute you can see in part Tariff.

What is a Callback?

Call control during talk via DTMF- codes

Text messages codes