
In this part you can find the rates for international and trunk communication

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Tariffs list

Tariffs comparison table

For all services plans cost of SMS - from $ 0.02/SMS. More...

Select the first letter of the country:

All rates include VAT.
Country code Direction Start
7 Abkhazia from 0.1803 from 0.2193
7 Abkhazia (mobile) from 0.2969 from 0.3610
93 Afghanistan from 0.2702 from 0.3285
93 Afghanistan (mobile) from 0.1624 from 0.1975
355 Albania from 0.2134 from 0.2595
355 Albania (mobile) from 0.2235 from 0.2717
213 Algeria 0.0764 0.0929
213 Algeria (mobile) from 0.1700 from 0.2068
1684 American Samoa 0.0757 0.0920
1684 American Samoa (mobile) 0.0757 0.0920
376 Andorra 0.0433 0.0527
376 Andorra (mobile) 0.2892 0.3516
244 Angola 0.1237 0.1505
244 Angola (mobile) from 0.1237 from 0.1505
1264 Anguilla from 0.3536 from 0.4300
1264 Anguilla (mobile) 0.3917 0.4763
1268 Antigua and Barbuda from 0.3368 from 0.4095
1268 Antigua and Barbuda (mobile) 0.4742 0.5767
54 Argentina from 0.0047 from 0.0057
54 Argentina (mobile) from 0.1697 from 0.2063
374 Armenia from 0.1446 from 0.1758
374 Armenia (mobile) from 0.0889 from 0.1081
297 Aruba from 0.1028 from 0.1250
297 Aruba (mobile) from 0.2691 from 0.3272
247 Ascension Island 2.0737 2.5216
247 Ascension Island (mobile) 2.0737 2.5216
61 Australia from 0.0129 from 0.0157
61 Australia (mobile) from 0.0260 from 0.0317
43 Austria from 0.1578 from 0.1918
43 Austria (mobile) from 0.1966 from 0.2391
994 Azerbaijan from 0.2552 from 0.3103
994 Azerbaijan (mobile) from 0.3124 from 0.3798

Cost of letters in envelope - from $ 0.8620. More...

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